Haley Marfleet reinvents everyday life through her vibrant, yet delicate, works of art. Residing in Amaranth Ontario, Haley draws inspiration from items, places and memories that are meaningful to her, and tells a story with each brushstroke. Branching out her practices into Orangeville, Haley was nominated as Student Artist of the Year for the 2021 Arts & Culture Award. During the summers while at her cottage in Georgina Ontario, Haley has been recognized for her artwork in the annual Painted Perch competition. She has won first place four years in a row. Her desire to pursue art grew stronger in high school, which led to four art contributions that can be found among the walls and outside the school. During those four years, Haley was awarded the Visual Arts, Media Arts and Dufferin Arts Council awards. In her final year she had her artwork selected and displayed at Insights: Juried Exhibition of the Fine Arts 2019, held in the Wellington County Museum. Haley recently graduated from the Visual and Creative Arts program at Sheridan College in 2022. She is currently working as a commissioned artist and running her Etsy shop, MarfleetDesign.